Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Artist, Designer, Director, Manager, Teacher

I love the arts. All arts. Visual Arts, Performing Arts, even crazy experimental art! All of it.

I grew up in house full of music and crafting, song and dancing.

I've known how to screen print my entire life. Truly, some of my earliest memories are helping my dad pull signs from the screen printing table.

My passion is everything creative.

I enjoy playing the piano, signing and I have even written a few songs.

I love mixed media art because I thrive on pushing traditional mediums into new and different forms.

I  love theatre. The lights, the sounds, the smells, the excitement. I wanted to be a great actress.. turns out I was a great manager.

After more than 15 years teaching, I have embraced the fact that my gift is teaching.  This gift has translated into success in a 3rd grade self-contained math classroom, in an 8th grade advanced Reading classroom, as a high school theatre director, as an economics teacher and debate coach and finally, a visual arts teacher.

Teaching visual arts classes has given me the opportunity to become the teacher that I always new I could be. Because teaching art means that I get to be an  Artist, Designer, Director, Manager and Teacher every single day!